The Edit Action menu

The Edit Action menu on the right shows the actions you can take on the current item. The options available on the Edit Action menu vary depending on:

This table describes all available options.  

Menu Option Description
Display from Sandbox Opens the sandbox version of the selected item.
Refresh from Sandbox Displays the sandbox version of an item.
Display from Library Opens the library version of the selected item. The library version is a version that has been committed to the authoring server. Library versions are accessible by other authors.
Edit in Browser

Opens the selected item in the browser-based Item Editor.

If you select this option when you already have the item open in a browser, the version you are working on will be replaced with the version in your sandbox

Edit in ESE Opens the item for edit in the Enhanced Simple Editor (ESE). About the Enhanced Simple Editor
Edit on Desktop Opens the selected item in the desktop editor. The desktop tool requires separate installation, and is rarely used.
Manage Assets Opens a window to add images or applets to an item. These files are added as assets using the Manage Assets upload window. Each tutorial has its own assets. If assets are used across multiple tutorials, then you need to add them to each item.
Commit from Sandbox Commits the sandbox copy to the library. Menu option functions the same as the Commit button on the toolbar.
Remove from Sandbox Deletes the current copy of the item from the sandbox. Changes that were made to a sandbox version that is removed from the server are not committed to the Item Library. You would use this command if you see a status message indicating that there is an obsolete version in the Sandbox.
Copy Item Copies the current item, and places the copy in your sandbox.
Copy & Edit Copies the current item and opens a sandbox version for you to edit.
Edit Item Properties Edit the properties of an item, such as the book chapters with which an item is associated, the type of item (EOC, STP, etc), and whether or not the tutorial has a status of Active.
View Revision History Opens a window in which you can view the item revision history and examine differences among revisions.
Publish Item Library versions are published, which makes them available to instructors to use when creating assignments.